Who in God's name would want the job? It's pointless futile painful and dreadful. And that's in good times. Now through combination of appalling circumstances beyond its control, pandemic & ukraine, plus self inflicted injuries Truss and Partygate, the tories are condemned to years of opposition. It might never recover. Reform the libs and greens might split the bipolarity in England forever, the nationals in Wales and Scotland have already done so. Voters are now no longer bound by class. Some remain fiercely tribal many like me are ruthlessly mercenary, putting their vote in who looks least awful today. I've no fixed loyalty. They certainly have none to me. I'm looking forward to watching the working class hating snobs in the tories squirm in opposition like Mitchell and good riddance to Clark may and Cameron forever. At least lab feel and smell like they actually care and try to help. The tories deserve this, they've largely brought it on themselves.

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I'mnot sure anyone would want to take on the job given it might be a long-term responsibility with no likely success until well after 2029. Historically, failing leaders (beaten at a general election) resign leaving the role to others. Perhaps Badenoch will bide her time before applying?

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Yes, in the last 50 years only Wilson, Heath, Kinnock and Corbyn have been given the benefit of the doubt after losing an election (and the first two at least got to Number 10).

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The problem is that it is hard to identify a realistic candidate in the new Conservative parliamentary party who combines these qualities. The closest, it seems to me, is James Cleverly but he looks more like a stopgap leader for a few years until a better candidate comes along. Kemi Badenoch seems to be very short tempered and obsessed with trans issues.

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You may be right. Tbh I still think it doesn't matter very much.

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