Jul 11Liked by Eliot Wilson

Thank you for this. It’s good to read anything about NI, especially something that’s not sensationalist or biased. Having lived through the Troubles in the safety of middle England I confess to limited knowledge of the issues involved, the closest I came to it apart from news broadcasts was when a post box exploded on a corner of Piccadilly near where my partner was working or knowing a PhD student who lived in NI and had had very close contact with one sectarian killing. I have a natural disinclination to believe news reports, I’m always wary of who is writing them and why. However, I was lucky to win a book in a Twitter raffle that I did find illuminating in that it was written from ‘the other side’ so to speak: The Good Friday Agreement by Siobhán Fenton (Biteback Publishing, 2018), gives a very interesting perspective. I sincerely hope that the gradual wearing down of the Good Friday Agreement by Brexit issues and the passage of time can be repaired.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

NI is always a fascinating topic, mainly because most Brits outside of there know so little about the place. I thought this was a measured, non-biased article. Hillary Benn is an admirable politician and a common sense sort of guy. Let's hope he endeavours in keeping the peace there whilst also listening to both sides.

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