I kept chuckling while reading your article, in a good-natured way. When Donald Trump ran for office in 2016, it took me a while to appreciate his irrepressibility. I think part of his personality/thinking is to take in a lot of impressions and then to connect them to what he cares deeply about - safety, freedom, love of country, people making the most of their life, etc. When he speaks in an unplanned way, in front of a friendly crowd, he would express these internal connections in a not well-thought-out way. [I don't think knowledge of science is one of his strengths.] I think strengths can come with weaknesses - ex. action-oriented people struggling with contemplation perhaps and contemplative people struggling with being decisive and acting. Ronald Reagan might be an example of having a good balance - contemplative and action-oriented. I'm not a psychologist either, but it's natural to try to understand people and oneself better.

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You never know death or crippling medical condition may yet save us. One wonders who his V.P. might be, considering his age, obesity and health regime. He can do no wrong in the eyes of his followers.

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