Nick Clegg showed astonishing naivety in allowing himself to be rushed into negotiations for a full coalition with the Tories in 2010, rather than playing hard to get and forcing the two big parties to woo him. He could have insisted on a firm commitment to bring forward legislation for at least the Alternative Vote system as the price of his support. This might well have resulted in a second election in which the Liberal Democrats lost seats but they would hardly have been reduced to 8 seats as they were in 2015. Undoubtedly, Clegg was influenced by the currency uncertainty at the time and the danger that political instability might lead to a Sterling crisis. I suspect that, if the First Past the Post lottery ever again gives the Liberal Democrats the balance of power position, the party leader of the day will profit from this experience.

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Ed Davey did interview with Nick Robinson on his politics pod. Not my cuppa tea, but seemed sane, sensible and humane. Obvious issue is brexit. Libs remain stance ends the possibility of voting for them.

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